How To Choose a Home Inspector

In the market to buy or sell a home? Choosing a good home inspector should be one of your first chooses! here are some tips on how to choose a qualified home inspector.

  1. Look for an inspector before you shop for a home. If you choose a home first, time is critical and you may feel pressured to pick the first inspector you meet.
  2. Ask friends and family or your Realtor for recommendations.
  3. Do your research and ask lots of questions of prospective inspectors, including their backgrounds, the length of time they’ve been in the business, the number of inspections they’ve performed and what sort of report they’ll provide.
  4. Look for an inspector with a broad knowledge of a home’s systems and structures, not just a specialized person such as a plumber or electrician.
  5. If your state regulates home inspectors, check with the state agency to verify the inspector’s license and check his record for complaints.
  6. If your state does not regulate inspectors, look for credentials such as certifications or background in the industry.
  7. Make sure your inspector is objective and independent.
  8. Be sure your inspector is familiar with the particular type of house you’re considering. Homes of different ages, designs and materials each have special risks and offer special signs, symptoms and clues to hidden damage.
  9. Choose an inspector who can deliver a completed report with plenty of time for review. Also request an electronic copy so you can e-mail it to friends and family.
